Per and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)

PFAS are a group of more than 4500 non-biodegradable active ingredients that have been used in a wide range of consumer and industrial products since the 1940s due to their resistance to grease, oil, water and heat.

PFAS are used in waterproof fabrics and carpets and carpets, cleaning products, paints and firefighting foams. Since the 1960s, some PFAS have received FDA-approved limited use in cooking utensils, food packaging, and food processing equipment.

The widespread use of PFAS and their ability to persist over time in the environment leads to increased pollution levels. Studies show that PFAS affect human health such as causing cancer, kidney, increasing cholesterol in the blood, affecting the immune system, making babies underweight.


PFSA and regulations around the globe

The FDA began requiring a gradual elimination of the use of PFAS compounds in the manufacture of products in contact with food. In 2016, the FDA revoked regulations that allowed the use of long-chain PFAS (more than 8C) in food packaging. As of 11/2016 long-chain PFAS are no longer used in food contact products sold in the US.

EU, since 2009, perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) have been included in the Stockholm convention to eliminate their use. PFOS has been restricted for use in the EU for more than 10 years. On 4/07/2020 PFOA was banned for use. Perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (PFHxS), salts and related compounds are being considered for global phase-out. Perfluorinated carboxylic acids (C9-14 PFCA), salts and their precursors will be restricted for use in the EU from February 2023.

EFSA has also set a monitoring threshold and asked food manufacturers to monitor throughout 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025 with 4 active ingredients: PFOS, PFOA, Perfuorononanoic acid (PFNA), Perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (PFHxS). EFSA also requires an investigation into the causes of contamination when the levels specified below are exceeded:

Quy định PFAS

Our R&D team has spent huge efforts to develop coating product lines that meet the limits of PFAS standards including fluorine & BPA free. Protection Status
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